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The content from this site has been moved to https://medicine-psychology.anu.edu.au. Please visit the new site for information about our school, study programs, clinical services and more. Can't find what you're looking for? Please reach out to us on communications.smp@anu.edu.au. We value your feedback.

Human Neuroscience

The Human Neuroscience group investigates the function and structure of the human brain. They are especially interested in the neural mechanisms underlying a range of psychological phenomena, including attention, memory, and language, as well as how these mechanisms develop across the lifespan and go awry in clinical disorders. They use a variety of methods such as neuropsychological assessment, EEG, functional and structural MRI, pharmacological challenges, TMS/tRNS, eye-tracking, and brain-computer interfaces.

Academic staff

Professional staff

Project Status
Ketting Well Current

Updated:  7 July 2022/Responsible Officer:  Web Services/Page Contact:  Web Services