
Vision from the School Strategic Plan (2018 – 2022)

  • The Research School of Psychology (RSP) will be renowned for excellence in research and education, and will specialise in research that relates to the unique role of ANU as the National University, and to the ANU Vision of being one of the World’s Great Universities.
  • By 2022, RSP will be ranked in the top four Departments/Schools of Psychology in Australia and the top 30 Departments/Schools of Psychology in the world.
  • RSP will conduct high quality, innovative, high impact research in diverse areas of the science and profession of psychology, consistent with offering broad education programs at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels that are recognised as international best practice.
  • Two particular areas of research focus in RSP will be: ‘Changing Lifestyles to Improve the Health and Well-being of the Nation’ (consistent with the College Vision of ‘Working in Partnership to Make Australia the Healthiest Nation in the World’), and ‘Social Cohesion, Inclusion and Diversity’ (reflecting the long established strength of RSP in social psychology).
  • RSP will work to attract and support excellent students and will provide an exemplary student experience; it will aim to create the next generation of leading professionals and researchers who will take psychology forward.