Dr Conal Monaghan

Senior Lecturer in Psychology, ANU School of Medicine and Psychology

Conal was conferred his PhD (Clinical Psychology) from the ANU in 2019.

He also graduated with a degree in marketing with a major in international business - but we don’t speak of the “dark” years. Currently, Conal works as a clinical psychologist at headspace Canberra, with PARSA’s PhD bootcamps, and as a lecturer and researcher in psychology at the ANU School of Medicine and Psychology. Conal is lecturing on clinical assessment and statistics in the Master of Professional Practice program, and on psychometrics in the clinical psychology program. He is passionate about clinical research and assessment, dimensional models of personality disorder, clinician well-being, and working to improve youth / adolescent mental health. While writing his PhD thesis, Conal lived and researched in Trondheim, Norway and Phom Penh, Cambodia, received the NTNU promising young researcher award and Steven Klimidis award for clinical psychology, and presented his research at a range of national and international conferences. 
